Posted: 02 Sep 2009
Editor's Note: I rarely accept guest posts on my blog. But Carlos Miceli from OwlSparks is an exception because his writing is elegant and poignant. So I actually reached out to him for this guest post, and he was happy to oblige. Enjoy!
Image from marcandrelariviere via Flickr
Networking is a common goal for most people involved in social media. We know it takes time and effort, but the payoffs can be quite gratifying.
The thing about networking is that value is king. You show your value and connect with those that you think will be valuable to you. It's logical then that valuable people get targeted more than others. It's Pareto all over again.
Considering this, I see two ways for successful online networking:
#1 – Building.
This is the hard one, statistically speaking.
If you do something remarkable, they will come. Not because they are suddenly nicer, but because it's good for them too. Spreading your story enhances their reputation as well. Value goes both ways.
There are two problems with this approach:
First, building something remarkable enough to get their attention is not easy at all. Odds are against you.
The other problem is that they are all set. They don't need you. The irony is that if you build something truly remarkable maybe you won't need them either…
#2 – Betting.
(I love this approach, it has given me fantastic results).
Catch the next wave.
Don't play the safe path, reach out to other beginners.
All winners were rookies at some point, connect with them in that stage.
Everyone begins with 50 subscribers and 100 followers.
Go after them before it's too late.
And believe me, the worthy ones leave the first stage very quickly.
So, there you go. Don't waste your efforts talking to those that are just too busy to listen. As appealing as reaching out to the Chris Brogan's and Gary Vaynerchuk's may sound, you're investing a lot of effort for very little return.
Instead, take risks; you have almost nothing to lose when you are starting. Connect in a respectful and personal way with those in your same situation.
I would take connecting with the future Seth Godin over being just another follower of today's one any day.
Editor's note: I reached out to Carlos when he was in his beginning stages because I do think he's the next Seth Godin. I highly recommend his blog, OwlSparks. Subscribe here for daily insights.
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