Monday, March 23, 2009

Meditation procedure to induce happiness


A Meditation to Make You Feel Happy


This is how to sit and breathe with your energy.  This can be as simple or complex as you wish to make it.  Let's choose simple and experience it right now.  Here is the process:

1.         Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose and out slowly         through your mouth.

2.         Picture a moment in your life that made feel full of joy and happiness. 

3.         Now that you have selected a moment, step into the moment like you are living it right now.  Remember the room or area you were in, the sun or wind against your face, try to remember yourself breathing in that moment, and then really tune into the emotion of the moment.  Re-enact in your mind the trigger that made you feel the joy and happiness.

4.         When the happy emotions are inside of you, continue to focus on the feeling of joy.  Breathe in and out with your eyes and mouth closed, just enjoying the euphoria running through you.

5.         Picture and feel the joy expanding throughout your chest.  Now it radiates the length of your spine and engulfs you.  Continue breathing and staying with the feeling until you are ready to come back.

6.         Take note of how your body and mind feel right now.


If you followed along with me, you probably feel great right now.  You have to love the power of your mind in meditation!  The joy that was radiating in your body was your body's energy.  This has been scientifically proven in countless studies .

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